Masonry is a way of constructing buildings out of any type of heavy block. Different types of masonry include bricks, stone and cinder blocks.
Mis forMercury (planet)
Mis forMercury (metal)
Scientific name: Hg
Mercury, also called quicksilver, is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature. Mercury is a heavy metal and is very toxic.
Mercury is used to dissolve gold in the process of gold mining, it was used in making felt, in older style thermometers, and in dental fillings.
Missouri, abbreviated to MO, is a state in the mid west of the United States of America. The capital of Missouri is Jefferson City. One of the largest cities in Missouri is St. Louis.
Mis forMorning glory
Scientific name: family: Convolvulaceae
Morning glories are the common name given to members of a large family of climbing plants. Morning glories have flowers in shades of purple, ranging from a deep violet down to white.
Morning glories get their name because their flowers open in the early morning, and then close up. In some countries, morning glories have been declared an invasive weed.
Scientific name: family: arecaceae
There are many, many different kinds of palm tree. Most have one long trunk with a tuft of fronded leaves at the top. Some branch into a few stems. Palm trees usually grow in warm, wet areas of the world but are also found in deserts. They are not found in really cold places.
Some kinds of palm tree grow fruit that people eat, like the coconut palm and the date palm.
A pantry is a large cupboard in your kitchen where you store food. You only keep food in your pantry that does not need to be kept cold in a refrigerator.