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Photo of a dog

Types of dogs

Man's best friend in all his shapes and sizes.

Photo of a chihuahua
Chihuahuas are the world's smallest breed of dog, named after their home state in Mexico. They are very loyal dogs, and are not suitable for a household with young children. They are prone to getting low blood sugar, and need regular feedings.
Photo of a Welsh Corgi dog.

Cis forCorgi

Corgis are a small herding dog originally bred in Wales. The most famous owner of corgi dogs is the Queen of England. Corgis are a funloving dog, and make good family pets.
Photo of a coyote

Cis forCoyote

Scientific name: canis latrans
The coyote, or prairie wolf, is a type of dog found around North America, Canada and Mexico. Coyotes normally hunt in pairs. They usually eat smaller animals, but if they hunt in a pack they can bring down something as large as a deer.
Dachshunds are a small dog with a long body and short legs, sometimes called a sausage dog. Some people say that a dachshund is "two dogs long and half a dog high". They are the shape they are because they were bred to hunt animals that live down burrows, such as badgers and rabbits. Dachshunds come in a variety of colours, and can have long or short hair.
A dalmatian is a kind of medium sized, slender, elegant dog that is white with either black or brown spots.
Photo of a dingo on a beach

Dis forDingo

Scientific name: canis lupus dingo
A dingo is a kind of yellow dog that was introduced to Australia many hundreds of years ago. They howl, but they do not bark. When people started farming sheep in Australia, the dingos killed the sheep, so people built a fence right across Australia to keep the dingos out.
Photo of a doberman dog

Dis forDoberman

Doberman dogs, also called dobermann Pinschers, are a large, slim dog originally from Germany. They were used most often as guard dogs or police dogs, but are now most common as pets. They are an extremely loyal, protective, intelligent dog. They have developed a reputation for aggression, this has been selectively bred out in recent years but the reputation remains and is still popularised on TV and in movies.
Photo of an English cocker spaniel
Cocker spaniels are a medium-sized dog that come in several colours, the most familiar being the golden cocker in the picture. They are a happy, loyal, affectionate dog that makes a good pet. They do not like being left alone.
Photo of a German shepherd
German Shepherds, also called Alsatians, are a large dog originally from Germany. As the name would suggest, they were originally bred for herding sheep and protecting the flock. They are a strong, intelligent, loyal, protective and obedient dog and make excellent police or guard dogs.
Photo of a great dane dog
Great Danes are a very large breed of dog. They were originally bred to hunt boars and guard the manor of nobles, but are a gentle dog and can make good family pets.